Thursday, April 12, 2012

One Little Lady Bug

I saw a little lady bug in my garden a couple days ago. I know they are good for gardens and I have never seen one in my garden before. Seeing that bug brightened my day and lifted my thoughts to God. It surprised me that a little bug could make me feel so happy. When I see little things like that, it makes me think of God and how He knew how much I appreciate the little things. He is so thoughtful and likes to give us little gifts. I once read in the diary of saint Faustina Kowalska, that while Faustina was watching a small bug crawl across the floor, God revealed to her that He was sustaining that tiny bugs life just by thinking of it. (This also makes me feel bad about killing any bugs now, knowing that God is thinking of them when I squish 'em.) :-p  It also reminded me of fond memories from my childhood when my father would take me and the family on hikes up in the mountains weekly. There was one magical place he would take us that we called the "Lady Bug Place". We called it this because in the summers there were hundreds and thousands of lady bugs that would be there crawling all over different things in a few certain places. It was amazing to see and I was quite enchanted by the whole thing. Ahh, yes, those summer days spent in the mountains were so much fun. I fell in love with nature there and found God everywhere I looked.

P.S. Don't forget about my giveaway! Only a few people have entered so odds are in your favor. :)

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